Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The A-Z of Weird Phobias

Here’s a nice orderly run down of some of the strangest fears to have gained acceptance in the medical world as fully fledged psychological conditions;

Ablutophobia – Fear of Washing or Bathing

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A hygiene freaks worst nightmare, ablutophobics take soap dodging to a new level…

Barophobia – Fear of Gravity

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On the plus side barophobia provides constant motivation to fulfil that childhood dream of becoming an astronaut…

Counterphobia – The Preference by a Phobic for Fearful Situations

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Well, people do often say you should face your fears. I’m not exactly sure how you face up to having counterphobia though…

Dextrophobia – Fear of Objects at the Right Side of the Body

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Driving in Britain is hell for these guys…

Euphobia – Fear of Hearing Good News

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They’ve found a cure for euphobia, they just can’t tell the euphobics about it…

Febriphobia – Fear of Fever

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Luckily, it’s not catching…

Gelotophobia – Fear of Being Laughed At

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Unfortunately, most people find this condition quite funny…

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – Fear of the Number 666

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As long as you steer clear of Iron Maiden and the later stages of the Bible, you should be OK…

Iatrophobia – Fear of Going to the Doctor

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I wonder how the medical world actually found out about this…

Japanophobia – Fear of Japanese

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A bit of a bigoted one I’m afraid, but there aren’t many phobias begging with “J”…

Kinesophobia – Fear of Movement

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OK, so it’s generally quite a debilitating condition, but, if you’re faced with a T-Rex or a game of musical statues, you’re golden…

Laliophobia – Fear of Speaking

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Unfortunately, little is known about this condition. There seems to be a veil of silence over the subject…

Mnemophobia – Fear of Memories

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You know you’re in a bad way when amnesia looks attractive…

Nomatophobia – Fear of Names

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Nomatophobia is the proper word for the fear of names, but try telling that to a nomatophobic…

Optophobia – Fear of Opening One’s Eyes

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Sadly, many optophobics are blind to their own condition…

Panophobia – Fear of Everything

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The daddy of them all, panophobics aren’t fussy when it comes to freaking out!

Quadraphobia- Fear of the Number Four

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Not to be confused with equally frightening Quadrophenia, a film featuring the fatal combination of Sting’s acting and music by The Who…

Rupophobia – Fear of Dirt

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The perfect partner for ablutophobia…

Sesquipedalophobia- Fear of Long Words

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The worst part is telling them what they’ve got…

Tremophobia – Fear of Trembling

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Attacks of Tremophobia can be so bad that sufferers literally shake with fear, which hardly helps…

Uranophobia – Fear of Heaven

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There’s no pleasing some people…

Venustraphobia – Fear of Beautiful Women

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Can easily be developed by listening to competitors for the title of Miss World talk about politics and geography…

Wiccaphobia – Fear of Witches and Witchcraft

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Wiccaphobia wasn’t responsible for the killing of countless women in the middle ages, that was stupidity, a much more wide spread condition.

Xanthophobia – Fear of the Color Yellow or the Word Yellow

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To be honest, I find xanthophobics a little, well, yellow….

Yogaphobia – Fear of Flexibility

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Ok, so I made this one up, but it’s not my fault there aren’t any real phobias beginning with Y, is it?

Zelophobia – Fear of Jealousy

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Luckily, I don’t think many people envy zelophobics…

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