Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Apple’s New iPhone 4S wins many hearts in just 12 hours

O god, this has come as a total surprise package with AT and T selling off more than 200,000 iPhones of the latest Apple in the first 12 hours. Very unfortunately Apple made the announcement of the death of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple whose legacy involved the Apple II, iPhone, iPod, Macintosh, iMac and iPad on 6th October.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Man attacked wife for not ‘Liking’ his Facebook status

A 36-year-old Texas man has pleaded not guilty to battery charges after allegedly attacking his estranged wife for failing to “Like” a status update he posted to Facebook.
Benito Apolinar, of Pecos, was arrested on Tuesday after fighting with Dolores Apolinar at her home in New Mexico, the Carlsbad Current- Argus reports.
Police said Apolinar, 36, posted an update on his Facebook page about the anniversary of his mother’s death and became angry after his wife, who he only recently separated from, did not click the “like” button to show she appreciated his comment.
Apolinar was allegedly drunk when he confronted his wife of 15 years at her home while dropping off his children on Tuesday night.
“That’s amazing everyone ‘likes’ my status but you, you’re my wife. You should be the first one to ‘like’ my status,” he allegedly told her.
The pair began to fight after Apolinar refused to leave the property, and he allegedly punched his wife in the cheek and pulled her hair.
Apolinar has pleaded not guilty and is due to appear in court on December 22.
via - MSN News

Chicken Biryani Recipe

  • Basmati rice – 2 cups
  • Chicken pieces – 3/4 kg.
  • Onion – 3 large, sliced
  • Yoghurt – 1 cup
  • Ginger paste – 1 tsp
  • Garlic paste – 1/2 tsp
  • Green chilli paste – 1 tsp
  • Tomato puree – 1/2 cup

This is why I'm hot!

Smokers computer :(
I was amazed... last year I quit smoking in the house..opened up my case to give it a good cleaning out a few months ago and thing was spotless except some buildup on the fans. really makes a difference.

never mind the insides of the computer - think about the insides of you!

What happens in the IT world :)

Effect of Social Networking!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sony Pictures Acquiring New Steve Jobs Biography For Major Feature Film

EXCLUSIVE: I’ve just learned that Sony Pictures is making a hefty deal to acquire feature rights to Steve Jobs, the upcoming authorized biography by former CNN chairman and Time Magazine managing editor Walter Isaacson.

Why Entrepreneurs Love Steve Jobs

"Did you see the news?" said the text from my friend. "It's so sad," he continued.

It is both rare and special to witness such a spontaneous outpouring of love and admiration for the passing of a CEO. The last time we saw similarly spontaneous vigils was when Princess Diana died. But the love we’re expressing for Steve Jobs is not due solely to his genius or his vision. It is not just because he defined a digital generation. Steve Jobs is much more special than that.

Steve Case, the co-founder of AOL, and Larry Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle, are also geniuses. They also built companies that changed the way we live our lives. They were visionary and innovative, but will we light a candle and shed a tear when their time to comes?

What made Steve Jobs so special is that he existed on a level above his company and its products. Though we respect what he built, we love what he stood for.

Related: 10 Things to Thank Steve Jobs For
Jobs was a rebel and a misfit and he imparted a sense of purpose and belonging for all the other rebels and misfits out there. Instead of brushing them aside or pointing at them for being weird, he celebrated them. He reminded us that the ones who see the world differently are the ones who change the world. In an instant, all those individual rebels and misfits had a leader. Someone who preached what they believed.
Over time, Apple and its products became symbols for a set of values and beliefs. Like a pirate flag hoisted above a ship to tell everyone who they were about to do battle with and what they could expect, Apple served as a symbol for the outcasts and nonconformists the world over.
Related: Remembering Apple's Steve Jobs
They popped their laptops open in airports to show people who they are. They stuck Apple stickers on their car bumpers to let everyone know what they believed. The defended Apple’s products as if defending their own family. And in a sense, that is exactly what the Apple community became -- a family of likeminded individuals who wake up every day to challenge the status quo.
For any entrepreneur who dreams of leading like Steve Jobs, here are three must-have characteristics:
  1. Clarity of why you do what you do. To have this, you need a purpose, cause or belief that exists above and beyond the products or services you sell.
  2. Discipline of how you do it. You must hold yourself and your people accountable to a defined set of guiding principles or values.
  3. Consistency of what you do. Everything you say and do must prove what you believe. Every product that Apple made, all their marketing always communicated the same message: Think Different.

How did Steve Jobs influence you or your business? Let us know in the comments section?

Love facts ...

FunOogle fb status ...

English Teacher: Make a sentence with PINK, GREEN, & YELLOW?

Vijaykanth: When the phone rings GREEN..GREEN.., Just PINK it up & say YELLOW…

English Teacher: ..?!?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Next Generation’s Alphabet

This is how the next Generation’s gonna learn the Alphabet:
A- Apple,
B- Bluetooth,
C- Chatting,
D- Download,
E- Email,
F- Facebook,
G- Google,
H- Hotmail,
I- I-Pod,
Q-Quick Time,
T-Touch Screen,
Thank God, A is Still Apple :-) 

Find Spoof Websites !!!

There are times when you are not sure that the website that you are 
visiting is authentic or not. 
Use this code whenever in doubt.

Crazy Buttons :D

wooohh crzzzzyyy!!!
This is funniest code. 
This code start rotating webpage buttons/input field.

View Passwords Behind Asterisk

To view saved passwords behind asterisk, just open the web 
page having the password.

After opening the web page  
paste the JavaScript code given below in the address bar and hit enter.That’s it. 

coffee, not the cups

just saw this in facebook. tot i will share. don't know the origin.

life is like a cup of coffee - author unknown

a group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. conversations soon turn into complaints about stress in work and life. offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal - some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite.

he told his guests to help themselves to the coffee. after everyone had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said

"if you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. while it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of all your problems and stress.

be assured that the cups add no quality to the coffee. in most cases, it is just more expensive, and in some cases, even hides what we drink. what all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup. but you consciously went for the best cups... and then you begin eyeing each other's cups to see who had the best one.

now consider this... life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. they are just tools to hold and contain life. and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live. sometimes, but concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee.

savor the coffee, not the cups!

the happiest people don't have the best of everything. they just make the best of everything".

- live simply (how ar??) -

- speak kindly -

- care deeply -

- love generously -

Source: my frend :)

500 reasons why i love you.

1. I love the way you keep your cool whenever I do stupid things.
2. I love the fact that I've met you during the craziest time of my life and you changed it all in just a mili-second.
3. You're so adorable.
4. I haven't met your mom but I know we'd get along JUST FINE

Funoogle tribute to Steve :( iSad

3 Apples changed the world.
The first one was by Eve.
The second one fell on Newton.
The third one, Steve jobs gave to world and changed the game forever!

We pay our tribute to the visionary today! RIP Steve Jobs!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

India launches "world's cheapest" tablet "AAKASH" Costs $35

Tributes pour in for Steve Jobs, dead at 56

U.S. President Barack Obama was among the many people who paid tribute to Steve Jobs, calling the Apple co-founder a visionary and great American innovator.
"Steve was among the greatest of American innovators -- brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it," Obama said of Jobs, who died on Wednesday.
 "The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented."
The U.S. president was joined by political, technology, entertainment and business leaders around the world in paying tribute to Jobs. A selection:

FACTBOX - Apple's history and milestones

Apple Inc co-founder Steve Jobs died on Wednesday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

Here are some of Apple's milestones:

1976 - High-school buddies Steven Wozniak and Steve Jobs start Apple Computer. Their first product, Apple I, built in circuit board form, debuts at "the Homebrew Computer Club" in Palo Alto, California.

1977 - Apple II is unveiled, the first personal computer in a plastic case with color graphics.

1983 - Apple starts selling the "Lisa," a desktop computer for businesses with a graphical user interface, the system most users are familiar with today.

What happens to Apple after Jobs?

Steve Jobs, Apple Inc's co-founder and former CEO who died Wednesday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, created a series of seminal electronics products, reinvented several industries, and built Apple into a $350 billion juggernaut.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Canadian man friended by thousands from 4,800 messages in a bottle

For the past 15 years, he's practiced old-fashioned social networking 

A Canadian man has tossed more than 4,800 messages in a bottle into the Atlantic Ocean in the past 15 years — and received more than 3,100 replies. 

Harold Hackett, who lives in Tignish, Prince Edward Island, the smallest province in Canada that hugs the Atlantic coastline, told his story to the BBC.

He uses discarded juice containers to hold his letters, dates each one and asks the finder of the bottle to respond.

And they have, in droves, in what the BBC describes as the "oldest form of social networking."
He started the hobby in May 1996 and since has received responses from Russia, Iceland, Holland, the U.K., Florida and even Africa and the Bahamas, wherever the wind and tide go.
"I never dreamt I'd get that many back that quick," Hackett said, emphasizing that the responders have become more than one-time pen pals.
"I usually get about a 150 Christmas cards, Christmas gifts, souvenirs," Hacket said in a video posted on the BBC website. "I just love doing it the old way. The reason I won't put my phone number on my letters is they'd all call me back, and I wouldn't get any letters."

"Harold the bottle man" has become somewhat of a living legend, according to The Guardian, a Prince Edward Island newspaper. The 58-year-old has a display of some of the letters he's received at the Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum in the nearby tourist town of Cavendish.

Hackett said he sends as many as 200 bottles off every week. He doesn't think he'll ever stop.

Source : msn


Dog who saved owner on 9/11 named American Hero Dog

Roselle the guide dog navigated 1,463 steps after plane crashed into tower 

Guide dog Roselle, clearly unphased by all the attention at a 2002 awards ceremony, was posthumously named American Hero Dog by the American Humane Association.

Computer sales manager Michael Hingson was at his desk on the 78th floor of the World Trade Center’s north tower on the morning of 9/11 when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the other side of the building, 18 floors above. And he lived to tell the tale because of his guide dog, Roselle. 
The yellow lab calmly guided her blind charge 1,463 steps out of the building and, as debris fell and dust billowed, found a subway station and led them both underground to safety. 

Roselle died in June at the age 13, but her heroism lives on. At a star-studded red carpet event in L.A. Saturday night the yellow lab was was honored as the American Hero Dog of the Year.
"She saved my life," Hingson wrote on the American Humane Association's site. More than 400,000 people cast votes for Roselle and 7 other finalists. But it was Hingson's moving description of her actions on 9/11 that helped her take the top dog honor.

Just as they got out of the building on 9/11, the south tower collapsed. "While everyone ran in panic, Roselle remained totally focused on her job," Hingson wrote. "While debris fell around us, and even hit us, Roselle stayed calm."

Hingson, the seven other finalists and their handlers were flown to Los Angeles to attend the ceremony at the Beverly Hills Hilton where they were joined by another four-legged celebrity, RIN TIN TIN Smith, a twelfth-in-line descendant of the original RIN TIN TIN. These four-legged celebrities were joined by a raft of two-legged ones including celebrity judges Betty White, Whoopi Goldberg, Kristin Chenoweth, Mark Hamill, Jillian Michaels, Susan Orlean (author of the new book, “RIN TIN TIN: The Life and the Legend”), TODAY's Jill Rappaport and Top Chef Fabio Viviani.

“Every day, across America, dogs protect, comfort, and give their unconditional friendship and affection to the ill, the infirm, the wounded veteran, and the frightened child,” Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of the American Humane Association, said of the awards. “It was time to recognize the contributions of man’s best friends and celebrate the heroic feats they have performed for us every day."

Have u seen a Hotel google :D

Here it is :)

Know More About Samsung Galaxy S 2 HD LTE [Features]

Samsung’s phones are just boozing up the Indian phone market and this time at much higher rates. Samsung has recently announced its latest phone and it has been named as Samsung Galaxy S 2 HD LTE – another Samsung Galaxy phone to thrill up the market. No one can forget the amount of impression which Samsung Galaxy S 2 made when it was launched for the first time.

Monday, October 3, 2011

pics for the month :)

New seat belt design : reduces 45% of accidents :D

Funoogle :) Pic of the month :)
Facts that are true - Reality :P

if u really have social interest on u then go ahead and read it fully....

if u really have social interest on u then go ahead and read it fully....
Q:can U know kajol?
Ans:Ohh know very cute girl.........
Q:Can U know Samantha?
Ans:arey yar she is my Dream Girl...
Q:can U know who is She(below photograph)?
Ans:haaaa..........once saw her in news bt dont know.....



Bitter Reality

... As the dream of most parents I had acquired a degree in
Software Engineering and joined a company based in USA, the
land of braves and opportunity. When I arrived in the USA, it
was as if a dream had come true.
Twitter Bird Gadget